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Thank you for your interest in Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine journal. Please consult the following instructions for help in preparing your manuscript, and feel free to contact us with any questions.

The following categorise of articles are accepted:

Full Length Articles: These should not exceed 3500 words (excluding references, tables and figures) and may include up to a maximum of 6 figures and/or tables and up to 30 references. Full length articles should be divided into the following sections: (1) Title page, (2) Abstract and up to six Keywords, (3) Introduction, (4) Methods, (5) Results, (6) Discussion, (7) Acknowledgements, (8) Funding, (9) Conflict of interest, (10) References, (11) Figure legends, (12) Appendices, (13) Tables, (14) Figures. The Abstract should be divided into the following sections ‘Aims’, ‘Methods and results’ and ‘Conclusion’; it should not exceed 250 words.

Reviews: Reviews should not exceed 3500 words. They should summarise and critically evaluate research in the subject area, and should discuss implications for the future. Reviews have unstructured abstracts with no headings, which should not exceed 250 words and may include up to 45–50 references.

Editorials: All editorials should be limited to 1500 words (excluding references), with a maximum of 15 references. They do not require an abstract.

Short Reports: These reports should not exceed 1500 words and should comprise a Background section (≈100 words), Aims (≈50 words), Methods (≈300 words), Results (300 words) and Conclusion (250 words). The editorial team reserves the right to decide which of the tables/figures submitted are necessary. A structured abstract not exceeding 250 words is also required for Internet purposes.

Letters to the Editor: Relevant correspondence will be considered. This should not exceed 400 words in length excluding references, and a maximum of three authors.

Case Reports: These reports should not exceed 1200 words. Case reports should include an unstructured Abstract with no subheadings (not exceeding 100 words), an Introduction, a Description of the case(s) under the heading, ‘Case Report’ and a Discussion of the findings in the context of current practice.

Manuscript format and structure

Prepare your manuscript text using a Word processing package (save in .doc or .rtf format). Submissions of text in the form of PDF files are not permitted. Manuscripts should be double-spaced, including text, tables, legends and references.

Number each page. Please avoid footnotes; use instead, and as sparingly as possible, notes within brackets. Enter text in the style and order of the journal. Type headings in the style of the journal. Use the TAB key once for paragraph indents. Where possible use Times New Roman for the text font and Symbol for Greek and special characters. Use the word processing formatting features to indicate bold, italic, Greek, maths, superscript and subscript characters. Clearly identify unusual symbols and Greek letters. Differentiate between the letter O and zero; the letters I and l; and the number 1.


References should be identified in the text by Arabic numerals and numbered in the order cited. All references should be compiled at the end of the article in the Vancouver style. Complete information should be given for each reference including the title of the article, abbreviated journal title and page numbers.

All manuscripts should be submitted through e-mail:

Subscription services

Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine (ISSN 2386-0944) is published quaterly (4 issues per volume, 1 volume per year). Correspondence regarding subscription should be sent to